1. A place I’d like to travel
2. A favourite movie
3. Something I never leave the house without
4. A friend I admire
5. My hometown
6. Best vacation spot
7. A song for the day
8. Three inspirational quotes
9. A close up of my day
10. A favourite recipe
11. Three years ago today
12. The last item I purchased
13. Something I’m proud of
14. A piece of architecture I love
15. Three blogs I always read
16. Someone who inspires me
17. My family
18. What I wore today
19. Most memorable of 2013 so far
20. Something that means a lot to me
21. A self portrait
22. What I love about my job
23. Eight things you don’t know about me
24. Something that makes me smile
25. The contents of my purse
26. Something I’m looking forward to
27. A favourite restaurant
28. A skill I’d like to learn
29. Something I could never tire of
30. Three wonderful things that have happened in my life